DataHub Dataset Command
The dataset
command allows you to interact with Dataset entities in DataHub. This includes creating, updating, retrieving, validating, and synchronizing Dataset metadata.
Create or update Dataset metadata in DataHub.
datahub dataset upsert -f PATH_TO_YAML_FILE
-f, --file
- Path to the YAML file containing Dataset metadata (required)
datahub dataset upsert -f dataset.yaml
This command will parse the YAML file, validate that any entity references exist in DataHub, and then emit the corresponding metadata change proposals to update or create the Dataset.
Synchronize Dataset metadata between YAML files and DataHub.
datahub dataset sync -f PATH_TO_YAML_FILE --to-datahub|--from-datahub
-f, --file
- Path to the YAML file (required)--to-datahub
- Push metadata from YAML file to DataHub--from-datahub
- Pull metadata from DataHub to YAML file
# Push to DataHub
datahub dataset sync -f dataset.yaml --to-datahub
# Pull from DataHub
datahub dataset sync -f dataset.yaml --from-datahub
The sync
command offers bidirectional synchronization, allowing you to keep your local YAML files in sync with the DataHub platform. The upsert
command actually uses sync
with the --to-datahub
flag internally.
Retrieve Dataset metadata from DataHub and optionally write it to a file.
datahub dataset get --urn DATASET_URN [--to-file OUTPUT_FILE]
- The Dataset URN to retrieve (required)--to-file
- Path to write the Dataset metadata as YAML (optional)
datahub dataset get --urn "urn:li:dataset:(urn:li:dataPlatform:hive,example_table,PROD)" --to-file my_dataset.yaml
If the URN does not start with urn:li:dataset:
, it will be automatically prefixed.
Operate on a Dataset YAML file for validation or linting.
datahub dataset file [--lintCheck] [--lintFix] PATH_TO_YAML_FILE
- Check the YAML file for formatting issues (optional)--lintFix
- Fix formatting issues in the YAML file (optional)
# Check for linting issues
datahub dataset file --lintCheck dataset.yaml
# Fix linting issues
datahub dataset file --lintFix dataset.yaml
This command helps maintain consistent formatting of your Dataset YAML files.
Add sibling relationships between Datasets.
datahub dataset add_sibling --urn PRIMARY_URN --sibling-urns SECONDARY_URN [--sibling-urns ANOTHER_URN ...]
- URN of the primary Dataset (required)--sibling-urns
- URNs of secondary sibling Datasets (required, multiple allowed)
datahub dataset add_sibling --urn "urn:li:dataset:(urn:li:dataPlatform:hive,example_table,PROD)" --sibling-urns "urn:li:dataset:(urn:li:dataPlatform:snowflake,example_table,PROD)"
Siblings are semantically equivalent datasets, typically representing the same data across different platforms or environments.
Dataset YAML Format
The Dataset YAML file follows a structured format with various supported fields:
# Basic identification (required)
id: "example_table" # Dataset identifier
platform: "hive" # Platform name
env: "PROD" # Environment (PROD by default)
# Metadata (optional)
name: "Example Table" # Display name (defaults to id if not specified)
description: "This is an example table"
# Schema definition (optional)
- id: "field1" # Field identifier
type: "string" # Data type
description: "First field" # Field description
doc: "First field" # Alias for description
nativeDataType: "VARCHAR" # Native platform type (defaults to type if not specified)
nullable: false # Whether field can be null (default: false)
jsonPath: "$.field1" # JSON path for the field
label: "Field One" # Display label
recursive: false # Whether field is recursive (default: false)
isPartOfKey: true # Whether field is part of primary key
isPartitioningKey: false # Whether field is a partitioning key
jsonProps: {"customProp": "value"} # Custom JSON properties
- id: "field2"
type: "number"
description: "Second field"
nullable: true
globalTags: ["PII", "Sensitive"]
glossaryTerms: ["urn:li:glossaryTerm:Revenue"]
property1: "value1"
property2: 42
# Additional metadata (all optional)
properties: # Custom properties as key-value pairs
origin: "external"
pipeline: "etl_daily"
subtype: "View" # Dataset subtype
subtypes: ["View", "Materialized"] # Multiple subtypes (if only one, use subtype field instead)
downstreams: # Downstream Dataset URNs
- "urn:li:dataset:(urn:li:dataPlatform:hive,downstream_table,PROD)"
tags: # Tags
- "Tier1"
- "Verified"
glossary_terms: # Associated glossary terms
- "urn:li:glossaryTerm:Revenue"
owners: # Dataset owners
- "jdoe" # Simple format (defaults to TECHNICAL_OWNER)
- id: "alice" # Extended format with ownership type
structured_properties: # Structured properties
priority: "P1"
cost_center: 123
external_url: ""
You can also define multiple datasets in a single YAML file by using a list format:
- id: "dataset1"
platform: "hive"
description: "First dataset"
# other properties...
- id: "dataset2"
platform: "snowflake"
description: "Second dataset"
# other properties...
Schema Definition
You can define Dataset schema in two ways:
Direct field definitions as shown above
Important limitation: When using inline schema field definitions, only non-nested (flat) fields are currently supported. For nested or complex schemas, you must use the Avro file approach described below.
Reference to an Avro schema file:
file: "path/to/schema.avsc"
Even when using the Avro file approach for the basic schema structure, you can still use the fields
section to provide additional metadata like structured properties, tags, and glossary terms for your schema fields.
Schema Field Properties
The Schema Field object supports the following properties:
Property | Type | Description |
id | string | Field identifier/path (required if urn not provided) |
urn | string | URN of the schema field (required if id not provided) |
type | string | Data type (one of the supported field types) |
nativeDataType | string | Native data type in the source platform (defaults to type if not specified) |
description | string | Field description |
doc | string | Alias for description |
nullable | boolean | Whether the field can be null (default: false) |
jsonPath | string | JSON path for the field |
label | string | Display label for the field |
recursive | boolean | Whether the field is recursive (default: false) |
isPartOfKey | boolean | Whether the field is part of the primary key |
isPartitioningKey | boolean | Whether the field is a partitioning key |
jsonProps | object | Custom JSON properties |
globalTags | array | List of tags associated with the field |
glossaryTerms | array | List of glossary terms associated with the field |
structured_properties | object | Structured properties for the field |
Ownership Types
When specifying owners, the following ownership types are supported:
Custom ownership types can be specified using the URN format.
Field Types
When defining schema fields, the following primitive types are supported:
Implementation Notes
- URNs are generated automatically if not provided, based on the platform, id, and env values
- The command performs validation to ensure referenced entities (like structured properties) exist
- When updating schema fields, changes are propagated correctly to maintain consistent metadata
- The Dataset object will check for existence of entity references and will skip datasets with missing references
- When using the
command with--from-datahub
, existing YAML files will be updated with metadata from DataHub while preserving comments and structure - For structured properties, single values are simplified (not wrapped in lists) when appropriate
- Field paths are simplified for better readability
- When specifying field types, all fields must have type information or none of them should